20 October, 2012

'Facebook stalk' your date

Want to know a little bit about the guy you'll be meeting for a first date later? Most women admit that they check their prospective date's Facebook profile to get a little dirt on the man in question. In fact, 86 percent of women would "Facebook stalk" a guy before their first date, a recent poll revealed.
Research by UK dating site for2.co found curious (and slightly nosy) ladies will even google or linkedin-search their love interest before they first meet-up.
Men, on the other hand, are slightly less eager to scout pre-date with only 65 percent admitting they’d go on a hunt for their female companion on Facebook and 22 percent check google for any controversial headlines.
The findings emerged in a survey of 1000 particpants recounting their varied dating experiences.
It was also revealed that only 34 percent of women would be able to ignore their phone for the entire date, with a slightly more polite male cohort (45 percent) being able to battle the temptation to check it.
The study also found that commitment-shy guys can often pull the wool over a girl's eyes when technology is involved with 16 percent saying "I love you" to a girl by e-mail or text but not face to face, and seven percent openly admitting they're more romantic online or in texts.

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