23 October, 2012

The threat of arrest made me to join the Police Force – Umar Manko Lagos CP

American car manufacturer Henry Ford (1863-1947) once said “that the whole secret of a successful life is to find out what it is one’s destiny to do, and then do it”. For Umar Manko a Prince from the historical and popular Nupe Kingdom and the incumbent Commissioner of Police Lagos State, his journey to attaining his present status is unarguably a potpourri of Ford’s line of thought and the benevolence of God Almighty who at different times, placed on his track certain individuals when it was obvious he might derail from  his predetermined journey in life.
In an exclusive interview in Lagos, he espoused on issues of his growing years, his enlistment into the Police Force and other sundry issues that bothers on security and the IGP’s reformatory agenda. Excerpts:
Your family background, your growing years, and the boy Umar, was he the stubborn or a quiet looking someone?
Stubborn, not at all, quiet and easy going Yes, the boy Umar is the son of Musa Manko, who was the grandson of King Masaba of Nupe, we were nine of us by our parents and as at the time that I was growing up, my father had passed on. However, coming from a royal family, you cannot go around without notice, but all the same, I used to be a very good footballer, sometimes I avoid going to school because then, I did not like schooling, but all in all, I happened to be a very quite person, but that does not mean that if you annoy me, I won’t talk. I am well built physically and full of strength and so if you annoy me unnecessarily, I will fight back.
Eventually, you became a policeman, was there any external influence that informed your decision? 
No, the thing is that in those days, you have what was then called Native Authority Police, the one in Bida where I came from, has as it leader one Usman Isah and as the head of the Native Authority Police, we call him Geda, he was so influential, and was admired by all and sundry. The man was a well known person and was extremely handsome, and so it was that anytime he appears in that Native Authority Police Uniform, he looks graceful and everybody admires him. He was like a cousin or more so, like an elder brother to me.   So whenever the opportunity avails itself, we go to watch he and his colleagues at their place of work and we also did that during the independence celebrations and that indeed had some impact on me, but coming to me enlisting into the Nigeria Police, I will tell you that I was never prepared for it. 
I was in my second year in the University of Sokoto of those days, it is now called Uthman Dan Fodio University and so it was that there was this publication by the Nigeria Police informing that they needed some young undergraduates who wish to make a career in the Nigeria Police Service. They immediately give the authorities a postscript that was introduced by them for onward transmission to the students.
 Coincidentally, one of my school mates   Alhaji Bashira was a law student and was also a Chief Superintendent of Police at that time and we were close and this man whenever he comes for lectures in Police uniform adorning his rank one falls in love because he looks admirable . He retired with the rank of an AIG. 
He was the one who persuaded me into accepting the postscript when I initially sneered at it. Upon his persuasions, I now consulted one of my friend Ahmed Sharu , who is now a retired Colonel for his views and he simply told me that it is worth the while trying it, and so I applied and was invited for the interview. 
After my graduation, I was posted as part of the National Youth Service Corps scheme to Alagbon close where I saw what is policing practically and I must confess the whole thing then was repulsive and I said to myself, if this is the police they want me to join, I am not going to be part of it. 
 Again, there was another officer who was then as an Assistant Commissioner of Police in charge of Criminal Investigation  he hails from Kastina and I am from Bida, and from the Nupe angle, there is this age long affinity between the two tribes, and we on knowing each other maintained this affinity in our relations and  so one day, he called me and said  the Police  have advertise for eligible candidates for Cadet Assistant Superintendent of Police course , go and apply, I told him out rightly that I will not apply because I have made up mind to return home.  Then he said when I eventually get home, what I am going to do, and I replied that I wish to get employment in the Civil Service because my ambition is to become a Permanent Secretary. 
He okay that is fine, and with a tinge of seriousness in his tone, he announced “I think you know we have your records with the Police, if you go, we shall come and arrest you” If that sounded like a joke, I wasn’t quite prepared for it because fear immediately registered in my mind (general laughter). So I picked up the form, went through it and as they say, the rest is history and here I am today.
What indeed was that thing that you never liked about the Police at that time?
One I discovered that policemen work twenty-four hours in a day, and this is not restricted to a particular rank, be it a junior or a senior officer, they are all there together (general laughter), so I looked at the whole scenario and said how can someone resume at his place of work at 7.00am and by 7.00pm, he is not assured when he is going to close for the day. 
Compare and contrast the Police Force you joined at that period and now?
No, no, you see the police I joined then was the one that was grounded in service to humanity. Then you find people that were real professionals to the core, they knew their limits and you know them as a policeman, their allegiance is to the government of Nigeria and the public. Then of course everything you needed to perform your duty efficiently and effectively was provided for you so much so that if you were to be travelling the authorities write off your travelling expenses.
With nostalgia I remember vividly that when I passed out of the training college, I was posted to FCT Abuja, and whenever I had cause to travel from Abuja to Lagos,  there was always a vehicle made available for that purpose and perchance the journey was to be undertaken by flight, there was also what was referred to as Air warrant, that was available then and all you needed do is to approach Nigerian Airways officials who in turn will issue you a rebate ticket and almost immediately ,you are paid your allowance right on the spot. 
With this type of arrangement, you have no cause to seek for help outside, that to come  And if you are to go by road,   all that you needed was the  available land Rover vehicle and the log book, and there was no need  to carry jerry cans of fuel along with you, what happens is that the moment you observe that you are running out of fuel, drive into any nearest police post for a refill, because there were full dumps within every Police post and having filled your fuel tank, it is recorded in the log book which will immediately be handed over to you which in turn you turn in when you get back home. 
Give us your assessment of crime rate since your assumption of office?
Well I would have loved you to do that for me, because my assessment might be subjective, but I do know that in Lagos State, crime rate has abated, there is no society that is crime free, but Lagos State with its size and the strategic position it occupies, one should expect that once in a while crime of any nature could occur, but Gods willing, those glaring ones that are overwhelming are being contained and it is subsiding. 
Most Lagosian see policemen as enemies rather than friend how do you hope to change their perceptions?
I have seized several opportunities to talk to policemen on this subject and the need to partner with citizens of the state, so much that I have made available to the general public my telephone lines, I do not have a secret number, even on the internet, they could reach me. 
I went to the extent of instructing every DPO and Area Commanders to publish their telephone numbers and display them at strategic points in their various police stations, so that people who are in need, could make use of them. I have also made it compulsory for DPOs and Area Commanders to hold regular town hall meetings with the people with a view to hearing from the people themselves, I do likewise with groups of security stakeholders right here at the headquarters. The closer we are to them, the more of a benefit it is for us because it is only when you are close to them, that you strike a working relationship and they would volunteer information about those who live around them as we know and commonly say criminals are no spirit, they live among us. 
Some Lagosian blamed the successful operations of armed robbers few weeks ago on the absence of road block. Do you query that?
You see my friend, when people say the armed robbers had a field day, I disagree with that, agreed that some miscreants came into Lagos to test our strength and at a point they found to their chagrin that the place was not conducive for them and they made to flee and in the process they had an encounter with the policemen and some policemen were killed. In their bid to escape, they were shooting indiscriminately and in the melee some innocent civilians were killed. 
However, the cheering news is that all those who carried out that act, are now in our cells here. In the area of road blocks that are dismantled, it does not mean the absence of policemen from our roads, the IGP simply said remove the blockage and replace them with motorized patrol. On that fateful day these robbers from our findings were not here for child play, they had the ulterior motives to rob banks and some other places but that was made impossible by our men. I think replacing road blocks with patrol team is yielding dividends. The Lagos State government and the IGP who no doubt could safely be referred to as a Lagos man having stayed and worked  here and whose interest in what happens here in Lagos has not diminished are doing their level best as it concern security within the metropolis. I must tell you that the killings of innocent Lagosians on that day really sadden my heart and that is why we vowed to smoke them out and we are succeeding. 
What is your philosophy of life?
Simplicity because it sometimes attract peace, if you are big and you know that I am not as big as yourself, it does not give you any added advantage over me. I believe wisdom of God and common sense demands that life should be lived with the benefit of hindsight that people have come and gone. There is nothing permanent except change and when you make a true assessment of yourself, you will remember that whatever position you find yourself today, is an opportunity and it should be used to the glory of God and the benefit of mankind. 
Credit: People’s daily

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