13 March, 2013


Cardinals yesterday at the Sistine Chapel in Vatican City had the first ballot of the conclave to select a new pope– but the ballot did not produce a pope.
The so-called Princes of the Church assembled in the ornate chapel to decide on a new pontiff.
There first ballot , which led to the emission of black smoke indicating there was no decision yet on the next pope, was around 7pm (GMT).
The day began with a Latin Mass in St Peter’s for the cardinals and public and which is traditionally held before the conclave starts and is known as “pro eligendo Romano Pontifice”.

It follows ex-pope Benedict XVI stepping down last month after eight years in office.
In all, 115 cardinal electors, those below the age of 80, are involved in the process.
The secret ballot will involve the cardinals writing the name of their preferred candidate on a slip of paper – trying to disguise their handwriting if possible – which they will then place on a tray with the ballot then sliding into an urn.
Once all the votes are counted by the scrutineers they are pierced with a needle through the Latin word “Eligendo” (I elect) and a thread is fed through them.
The voting papers are put into a 74-year-old stove, which has been specially installed in the Sistine Chapel, and burnt. Chemicals are added to produce white smoke to show a winner has emerged, and black if there is still no decision.

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