28 March, 2013


PRESIDENT Obama Tuesday appointed Julia Pierson as the new head of the Secret Service, making her the first woman to lead the agency after a bunch of men proved to be embarrassments.
Pierson, who was until her appointment the Secret Service chief of staff, took over without a Senate confirmation hearing, following the prostitution scandal that forced former director Mark Sullivan’s resignation and “exposed a culture within the service of macho behavior while on the road. Senate confirmation is not required for Pierson’s new role.

Pierson is to lead the agency that, among other things, is tasked with protecting the President, Vice President Joe Biden, the first family and other designees.
Sullivan announced his retirement earlier this year following almost 30 years with the agency almost seven years of which as director.
He, however, presided over one of the most embarrassing recent incidents for the agency involving revelations that 11 agents allegedly engaged prostitutes in 2012 while on protective assignment at the Summit of the Americas in Colombia. The episode resulted in the retirement or resignation of several agents.
Pierson started her 30-year career at the agency in its Miami office and has held various position throughout her three decades on the job, including deputy assistant director in the Offices of Administration and of Protective Operations, overseeing the agency’s Presidential Protective Division, Vice Presidential Protective Division and Special Services Division. She was also assistant director of the Office of Human Resources and Training.
Sullivan called her appointment a “historic and exciting time” for the service.

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