15 March, 2013


 A teenager has revealed that she has what must be one of the most bizarre addictions on the planet… she can’t stop eating sticks of deodorant.
Nicole, 19, from New York, says she enjoyed the taste as a toddler but then became obsessed with eating it in the last two years.
Since then she has eaten on average half a stick a day – the equivalent of 15 full sticks a month.

She says her craving gives her a dry mouth and stomach cramps as a result – so has taken to sometimes spraying deodorant on her tongue instead.
Nicole said: ‘My brain tells me, “you have to eat it”. I tried giving it up for a week but got really sick and had bad headaches.’
She added: ‘When I realise I’m out of deodorant I panic. My anxiety goes crazy and I get really aggravated.
‘Without it, I’d be a totally different person.’
Although deodorant sticks are mainly made from waxes and oil, a main ingredient is aluminium which can cause dementia, seizures or even death.
Nicole’s boyfriend and friend Zhakia became concerned for her health and finally convinced her to see a doctor who confirmed she is risking her health.
She has since cut down and tries to eat almonds when she gets a craving but is still eating a small amount of deodorant every day.
‘It’s really soft. It feels like it melts in my mouth,’ she explained. ‘Deodorant really has a unique taste of its own.’
Read more: DailyMail

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