13 March, 2013


LAGOS—A mild drama unfolded yesterday at the Female Security Prisons, Kirikiri, Lagos, after a female banker who was released from prison, went wild in jubilation immediately the gates of the prison were flung open for her to go home.
The woman (names withheld)  was slammed with a four-month imprisonment, over a two count charge of conniving with some persons to fraudulently withdraw millions of naira from the Okokomaiko branch of a first generation bank, last year.
Immediately she stepped out of the walls that had incarcerated her for months, she looked up to the sky, then to her left and right, apparently to ascertain which direction leads to her home.

She thereafter, pulled her slippers and dropped her ‘ghana must go bag’ in which were her personal effects used during her stay in prison, before kissing the floor.
The elated woman clad in a native skirt and blouse ankara, when approached, beamed with smiles all through, saying , “ I am so glad to have regained freedom after spending four months behind this  walls (pointing to the prison).
“I was sent to prison because I signed a fraudulent cheque for withdrawal to a customer. You see, we were three involved but I was the only one arrested and subsequently charged to court, from where I was sent to prison.
As it is now, I have to start life all over again. All I need at the moment is capital with which to start life afresh.
While in prison, I learnt how to bake cake, meat pie, donuts and other small chops   and as it is now, I am going to start with that until I get something worthwhile doing”
Asked what she missed most while in prison, she said, “I missed my family. I can not wait to be back home. This has taught me a big lesson I will forever live to remember”, she said.
While this short interview with Vanguard was going on, visitors who had come to see their loved ones in the prison, stared at her with admiration, apparently wishing she were their relatives.
The ex-banker, later flagged a bike which rode towards NavyTown’s end, turning back to have a final glance at where used to be temporary home for her.
Source: Vanguard

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