16 September, 2013


A Nigerian frontline politician; political analyst and former Senatorial candidate for the Delta North Senatorial district in Delta State , Nigeria ; Sir Tony Umadim Nammor has remarked in an interview with Joseph Ibiam ; IF NO DIALOGUE; there should be NO ELECTION. While responding to questions asked on the state of the nation; that Nigeria is facing a critical period for her survival since the end of the civil war of 1966-1970, with the high level state of insecurity , corruption and masses apathy to government activities, decisions and management in the country; he posited that the nation may not be pre-disposed to having an healthy , credible, free and fair election come 2015.
In his submission, Sir Nammor ask Nigerians to collectively come to terms with the realities facing the nation at this point in time, " NO DIALOGUE ; NO ELECTION. Nigerians need to be honest and sincere with themselves within the present state of affairs and polity in the nation...The need for the Nation to dialogue is now or continue to dare into an impending hurricane. No nation walks into an electoral process knowing full well the level of masses apathy, corruption and insecurity to include the realities of an un-defined electoral process, dependent electoral umpire and so on. How can we have a healthy , trust worthy election when all the appendages are not connected that would lay a strong foundation, serene atmosphere and enabling environment for such election to occur in the 36 states of the federation? How do you plan to have election in half or two third of the nation to exempt others ? Who will accept electoral results? If such election is forced upon the people with the level of social – political apathy taking place. Such are some of the misnomer and gross dishonor being perpetrated on the electorates.
The polity and institutions have been weakened to allow national intransigence to overwhelm the state and governance. When you look at the activities playing out in the polity; on one part, there are agitations, militants and terrorist activities, while on the other, most persons posturing to be progressives and promising a better Nigeria are basically same ones who led the nation into these state of political imbroglio and democratic anomie in the last 14 years. It would be misplaced to automatically assume that Nigerians are still sleep walking like in the past years; NO. One notable observation is the astute political consciousness, social awareness and economic realization of the electorates in today’s polity and I can categorically say that compared to what I saw in 2007; this electorates are much enlightened, educated and aware of the polity as its playing out and I am sure they cannot wait to have a CHANGE in both governance and democracy; which seem to have been redundant and recycling persons in the last 14 years and not much dividends to show for it. What do we define in this democracy? Look at the actors and try showing me the translations of the dividends in the life of an average Nigerian voter or their communities. Nigerians may not be settling for less this time around.
This is the time to bow to the demands of Nigerians and call for a NATIONAL DIALOGUE. The dialogue process will help at reducing the masses disdain and apathy towards government, reduce insecurity, engage corruption and present a better and concise road-map to create a better sense of collective purpose for the people and nation in general. I say "Dialogue Nigeria before taking her into election" This is what is expected from any responsible and sensitive government at this time to save the people and nation from imminent breaks or continuous agitations. The amalgamation; a binder of 1914 will definitely expire in 2014, which makes it 100 years and for academic purposes; we can just say it smacks for a serious concern in re-defining the contraption in context and content of the bringing together of the Northern and Southern protectorates to form Nigeria. The independence of 1960 may not necessarily have defined it as non-grata but excused the colonial master from the governance and management of Nigeria to allow for her citizens to take control of the nation. The essence of having a forum to engage all groups and regions in a national dialogue cannot be overemphasized at this juncture. WELL. Guess I do not have to elaborate on the 53 years of such self management and governance of the people by the leaders as it is all public knowledge and taking place in our generation to the dismay of the citizens. Much was expected from those put in trust o the peoples resources and welfare, most failed and still failing Nigerians.
My hope for Nigeria is to see a NEW NIGERIA and an active participation of the YOUTHS in National development; devoid of all the rot and compromises the nation is experiencing and most importantly; a strong, pro-active engagement on corruption. If Nigerians don’t kill corruption; corruption will invariably destroy the fundamental foundation and essence of the nation and people. Finally; if the political parties do not engage the people to present their manifestoes based on strong ideology and ideals; I do not see Nigerians moving away from the socio-political disdain and apathy overnight to embrace them but would basically go for individuals in values, credence and integrity.
Let the dialogue be convened and TRUE FEDERALISM be top in consideration to help return the nation back to sanity and sanctity. Truly; I must agree that there was “ONCE A NATION called Nigeria and she can be saved.

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