17 September, 2012

Beware, the bait of marriage!

Pains, sorrow and anguish still fill my heart even as I write this piece. How wicked our world has become. I am talking about the gruesome murder of Cynthia Osokogu by three Facebook fiends who posed as friends.  Her torture and death serves as a very big lesson for mankind, especially Nigerian ladies. I believe the perpetrators of this ugly crime will not go unpunished.
Her case aside, it still beats my imagination why guys would claim to be what they are really not just to get ladies attention and at the end seize every opportunity to bang their victim silly and hurriedly drop them like hot potatoes.Poor women!
We are gullible and easily swept away by material things and sweet flatteries. Is it because we are the weaker sex? Really, are we truly the weaker sex?
The holy book says “Speak the truth and it shall set you free”. Let’s tell ourselves some blunt truth. I am talking to my fellow ladies o. A relationship initiated on false ground would surely end on a sad note.
I can still recall vividly the case of Jennifer and Charles. Jennifer is my second cousin and we are about the same age and we were also privileged to attend the same university, although she was a year ahead of me. When I first came in as a fresher in school, when I was still a jambito, she was the one that put me through the campus rituals, all the do’s and dont’s of the four walls of the university.
In my third year (when she was in her graduation year) there was this off campus party that she insisted I must accompany her to. Her friend’s father was having a house warming ceremony and she was invited to be part of it, so she dragged me along. The celebrating families were notable people, so the crème de la crème of the society graced the occasion. Jennifer is sweet and beautiful, well-endowed and gregarious. She is cute – a quality she took from her mum; she also has her father’s intelligence. She is like a goldfish that has no hiding place. I must confess that sometimes I envy her because she is easily the center of attraction at any occasion. Unfortunately, she hasn’t been lucky with relationships. Even up till now.
Right at that occasion, she met a tall, handsome dude. His charm caught my fancy too before I saw him stalking my cousin and I had to back off. Shortly after, I saw both of them talking in low key voices in a quiet part of the house. I had to let the two love birds be. At first impression, Charles appeared cool and innocent, harmless and incapable of hurting a fly.
He applied his charms, energy and resources to woo Jennifer. He told her that he was working with an oil company and ready for a serious relationship that would possibly lead them to the altar to sign the dotted lines. He confessed he was struck by the arrow of love at first sight and in Jennifer he had seen all the qualities he wanted from his wife and future mother of his children. He passionately begged her to give him the chance to show his love.
Bombarded with such sugar-coated words, my poor cousin fell for him. I no blame her. If na you nko?  Nevertheless, being a good girl with sound home training, Jenny knew it is unladylike to fall on your first date. So she had to play hard to get, play some shakara, so Charles wouldn’t see her as a cheap girl.
While she was keeping him in suspense, Charles played the perfect “toaster”, he made it his duty to drop by our campus every weekend and shower Jennifer with all sorts of gifts, ranging from exotic perfumes to designers’ clothes, luxurious shoes, high-price jewelries and what have you.
He was hovering around her like a fly waiting to descend on a child’s faeces. He impressed us so much that we had no choice but to give him a pass mark and in turn put pressure on Jennifer to cut short her dramatics of playing hard to get. He took us all out for lunch and we became more certain that he was truly in love with our friend.
One week after, she showed him the green light. They went straight into action. My cousin was so in love she became shameless. “Charles is a super stud and an Oliver Twist for that matter; he would go six rounds and would still be asking for more”. My ears were full. Mind you, my cousin dey enjoy am too o! Jennifer confessed that she had never been banged that way before. But since she believed she loved Charles and he in turn adored her, she had to allow him have his way. For six consecutive weeks, he was sinking his shaft into her oil well.  He was taking his return for all the expensive gifts he lavished on her. Surprisingly, after  six months of constant extracting and sucking all the juice in Jennifer’s ‘fruits’, the once-loving Charles started withdrawing into his shell – he was always cooking up excuses to stay away from his supposed fiancée. To cut a long story short, my frustrated cousin later discovered from a reliable that the man she was perambulating around with was actually engaged to another high society lady who was studying abroad.
Well, nowadays, such cases hardly surprise us. It has become a pattern - when randy guys’ manhood itch and hunger for wet cunt, they would promise their partners heaven and earth just to have them joined at the loin. And because we women are all heart, we are very vulnerable; we easily succumb to such tricks. And once, they release their unholy water, all their promises die a natural death, those men. In months to come, they would keep postponing those promises until thy kingdom come. Some married men are not exempted from this unholy shenanigan. That is the nature of our men.
Career playboys, please stop using marriage as a bait to trap young girls so you could use and dump them. A heart break could push a jilted girl to take a very drastic measure to retaliate. Remember, hell hath no fury like a woman scorned. Must you give an empty promise of marriage when you now you are not ready to be engaged or tied to a woman? The law of Karma says do unto others the way you want them to do unto you.

Culled from Sextasy with Chichi

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