29 September, 2012

Obama Escapes Plane Crash

Four days ago, the presidential jet, Air Force One, was forced  to abort an initial landing in Toledo, Ohio, due to fog and rain, and passengers including the president had a bumpy ride. Reuters news agency reported that the plane ferrying President  Oba-ma to election campaign events in Ohio took two attempts to land while those aboard were “sha-ken by turbulence.”The Cable News Network (CNN) in its own report said the jumbo jet experienced turbulence on approach to Toledo and was within sight of the runway when the pilot pulled the plane up and circled the airport, quo-ting reporters on board.

“Air Force One, missed approach,” the pilot announced to air traffic controllers, according to radio recordings on the website LiveATC.net.

“We’d like radar vec-tors back around,” the pilot said, according to the recordings.

White House Press Secretary, Jay Carney, after consulting with the plane’s crew, told journa-lists traveling with the president that weather was the cause.

The Boeing 747 landed safely shortly before noon ET after its go-around, the Federal Aviation Administration said.

The American FAA described the incident as a “routine missed appro-ach due to weather.”

Weather conditions included fog and mist. Visibility was three miles, but the clouds were at 400 feet.

CNN said it was the second aviation incident related to the presiden-tial campaign in the past week.

A charter carrying Ann Romney, the wife of Re-publican presidential nominee Mitt Romney, made an emergency landing in Denver due to an electrical problem  last week Friday.

Mrs. Romney detailed the event in an interview that was aired Wednesday on “Access Hollywood Live.”

Credit: Tribune

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