13 September, 2012

The Film “Innocence of Muslims” Sparks Outrage Across the Arab World

A film named 'Innocence of Muslims', which is directed by unknown American director Sam Basil has generated massive demonstrations in the entire Muslim world. The director of the movie terms Islam as 'cancer' and portrays prophet of Islam as "being 'a fraud, a pedophile and a womanizer." Steve Klein, one of the men behind the anti-Muslim film being blamed for the death of the US ambassador to Libya has claimed: 'It is not our fault, we told the truth'. Steve Klein said that he did not feel guilty for the murder of US ambassador in Libya, John Christopher Stevens and that the mob who carried it out were to blame as they were following Mohammed's violent teachings.

Steve Klein called upon non-Muslims to exterminate Muslims from everywhere in the world, claiming, wherever Muslim population gets above 10 per cent they work together and attack the host country. It's happening in the USA and it's happening in the UK too. It may be mentioned here that, Steve Klein [62] is a Christian who is now head of a group named Concerned Citizens for the First Amendment.
The two-hour movie cost US$5 million to make and was financed with the help of more than 100 unknown donors from France, Germany and Holland, who believe the film will help United States by exposing Islam's "flaws to the world". A 13-minute trailer for the film, which is called either "The Innocence of Muslims" or "Mohammed, Prophet of the Muslims", was first uploaded to YouTube few days back, but did not receive much attention. But last week, a version was dubbed into Arabic and re-posted on the same YouTube channel thus generating massive protests in the world, which has already caused violent attacks on US citizens in Libya and Egypt thus killing four American citizen, including the US ambassador in Tripoli.
Here is the Video link of the controversial film 'Innocence of Muslim' on YouTube, which has already waged massive protests in a number of Muslim nations in the world. Here is the Video of the Prophet of Islam in the film. Here is another video clipping from the controversial movie Innocence of Muslims.
Following outbreak of massive protests in the world against the controversial movie, some vested quarters are on purpose spreading information on the web claiming the movie to have been financed and made by 'Jewish people', while it was learnt that some anti-Israel forces were behind making of this movie with the ulterior motive of pushing Jewish community towards head-on-collusion with the Muslims. Though Sam Basil is propagated as 'Israeli Jew', it is learnt from various sources that Basil is a disciple of infamous Pastor Terry Jones and also an atheist. He had reportedly been hired by a group headed by Brigitte Gabriel aka Hanan Tudor. Many suspect Sam Basil as an implanted agent of Al Qaeda inside United States with the mission of pushing USA and the rest of the Western world towards war against the Muslims. It is even claimed by a source that Sam Basil's project was funded by the family members Muammar al-Gaddafi with the motive of creating massive anarchy in the world.
Following outbreak of massive demonstration in Libya and Egypt, there are also reports of Muslim outrage in Iran, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Turkey, Tunisia, Indonesia, Malaysia, Syria, Yemen, Lebanon, Palestine and many other Muslim nations. Governments in the Muslim nations have already tightened security of the western missions as well as western NGOs in fear of sudden attack. In Bangladesh, the government has taken urgent measures in deploying additional forces for protection of the foreign mission, while there are intelligence reports claiming anti-liberation forces and Islamists in Bangladesh may use the opportunity of the current situation in the world following release of the movie, by giving instigation of creating total anarchy within the country. Fanatic Muslim leaders and clergies are also reportedly planning massive demonstration in the country after Friday prayers. Similar protests may also take place in all other Muslim nations in the world on Friday.

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