22 September, 2012

Kanye West sex tape?

American online journal, Radaronline.com says it has a sex tape involving rapper, Kanye West and an unidentified lady described as a Kim Kardashian look-a-like.
According to the website, the 20 minutes tape looked like it was shot in a hotel room with Kanye and the lady as actors.

The lady at the begining of the video disclosed her age to be 18 and added that although she is married, she would like to have sex with the rapper because she and her husband no longer do, ‘My husband and I don’t have sex anymore… that’s why I’m here!’, she reportedly said.
Kanye was also reported to have set the camera up himself.
After the camera was set, Radar alleges Kanye then procedded to have a steamy sex romp with the lady in different positions, wearing a condom though.
‘The sex tape is being shopped right now and there’s a lot of interest, but Kanye is freaking out!” the insider revealed. He doesn’t want this tape out and will do anything to make sure it stays private. If this were to hit the market it would be worth a fortune… there would definitely be a lot of people wanting to see this!. In my expert opinion Kanye’s performance far outweighs Kim’s!” said a sex industry insider, according to Radar
Not long ago, Kanye tweeted about how he used Kim’s sex tape as ‘viagra’ long before he began dating her.
Like Huffintgon Post puts it – at least Kim will know exactly how to comfort her boyfriend when/if the tape gets to go public?

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