14 September, 2012

Woman stripped naked after a failed robbery

 Luck ran out on a female member of a robbery gang on Thursday in the federal capital territory, Abuja. She led a team of four robbers in a car to steal from a female passenger.

She was not so lucky to escape as probing eyes watched their robbery operation from a distance
and sympathisers swooped on them rescuing the victim who was later Identified as Obiageli.

The lady-robber was the only one apprehended out of the five thieves as she could not escape thinking phonetics would save her while others ran away. She was immediately mobbed and stripped naked.

Inside the ash coloured Nissan Sunny were loads of ATM cards, Passports of various persons, her bag containing many phones.

This incident happened at the Area 11 Traffic Light area of Abuja where their car was held by traffic as they were been chased.

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