23 October, 2012

Doctor charged with plotting to poison President Yayi

The West African nation of Benin has charged three suspects accused of plotting to poison President Thomas Boni Yayi, the public prosecutor said Tuesday in Cotonou.
“They are formally charged with criminal conspiracy and attempted murder,” Justin Gbenameto told AFP of the suspects, who include Yayi’s doctor, his niece and an ex-minister.
Gbenameto said they were charged late Monday following their arrests on Sunday. On Monday, Gbenameto had announced their arrests and described the alleged plot to kill Yayi, also the current chairman of the African Union.
Those arrested were Moudjaidou Soumanou, former minister of commerce, Yayi’s personal doctor Ibrahim Mama Cisse, and Zouberath Kora-Seke, one of Yayi’s nieces who worked at the presidency.
It was alleged that the president’s niece and his doctor were promised one billion CFA francs (1.5 million euros, $2 million) to replace Yayi’s anti-pain medicine with poison.
An aide to the president, speaking on condition of anonymity, has alleged that the plot may have been linked to a decision to end the monopoly of a company supplying materials for the cotton industry as well as a major port contract.
The three suspects were being held in prison in the economic capital Cotonou, Gbenameto said.
A lawyer for the former minister and Yayi’s doctor, Joseph Djogbenou, declined to comment when contacted by AFP. A lawyer for Yayi’s niece could not immediately be reached for comment.
Gbenameto said the plot did not succeed, and a source in the presidency said Yayi appeared in good health.
Details of the alleged plot were still emerging, but an aide to the president said on condition of anonymity that the motive may have involved lucrative contracts.
The aide said the plot may have been linked to a decision to end a monopoly for a company supplying materials for the cotton industry as well as a major port contract.
According to Gbenameto, the instigator of the plot was alleged to be a Benin businessman named Patrice Talon, a former ally of the president’s who has recently been at odds with him.
Talon is currently out of the country and has not been detained, but Gbenameto told AFP Benin authorities intended to issue an arrest warrant for him.
Soumanou, the former minister of commerce, is currently head of SODECO cotton firm.
Both the port and cotton industry in the West African nation of some nine million people are major sectors of the country’s economy.
Two recent cases in Benin have drawn suspicions of political links, though there was no sign of any connection with the poisoning allegations.
Last week, labour leader Pascal Todjinou was arrested and held for several days for not having vehicle insurance after a car accident. Police said they were simply following procedures, while unions and the opposition criticised the move.
Meanwhile, Lionel Agbo, former spokesman for the president, has been accused of defamation and insulting the head of state.
He allegedly said after leaving his post in the presidency that Yayi intended to maintain power after his two terms were up and that his entourage was corrupt.
Yayi is an economist who first took office in 2006 and won re-election last year with 53 percent of the vote.
His main challenger, Adrien Houngbedji, had rejected the results of the election, alleging fraud and proclaiming himself the winner. The results showed Houngbedji with 36 percent.

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