20 October, 2012

I can't marry a short guy -Amanda Ebeye

Today, Amanda Ebeye is living her dream as a model and actress. She started out as a model in Benin. But when she relocated to Lagos, she had the opportunity to act in a movie, Weeping Tiger, in 2007. And that turned out to be the stepping stone to her acting career. In this interview, she talks of her plans for the future, her kind of man and what people don't know about her. RONKE KEHINDE met her.
How did you start as an actress?
I have always dreamt of being an actress. That is what I've always wanted to do. I started as a model. I did a couple of jobs for Calypso Crane and a lot of companies before I started going for auditions. My first acting role was in Weeping Tiger and it was like an eye-opener for me. I got to learn a lot. I did other jobs, very funny jobs like Images, but they were all stepping stones for me; so, that was how I started.

What year did you start?
I started out in 2007, so it's five years now that I've been in the industry.

How did you become a cast member of the T.V series, Clinic Matters?
I have worked with Bobby Production before and we did Extended Family together. When I was about to start Clinic Matters, about three years ago, he gave me a call and I showed him a couple of scripts I did, and that was how we started working.

Which of your work would you say is the most challenging?
I will say the Tribe, which I did in Ghana three years ago, was a bit challenging. It was very challenging because I have never suffered so much in a production before; it was tedious.

It was a fantastic role. I had to shoot a bow and arrow, ride a horse and fight; it was something that is out of this world. I had not done it before. That was just my enjoyment and I had to be fit because I lost a lot of weight. I think that was my most challenging role.

Who are the people that have had the most profound influence on you in this industry?
Well, in this particular industry, I have a lot of people that inspired me and Richard Mofe-Damijo is number one. I love Genevieve Nnaji, Bimbo Akintola and Funlola Aofiyebi. I will say I learnt and I picked a lot from these people . Anytime I sit down in front of the screen, I just watch them so that I could learn one or two things.

Those are the ones that inspired me in Nigeria. Outside Nigeria, I look up to people like Robby Bogon and Charleston Ron. I love Jenny Deb and Davis Scrimach too. I admire Davis Scrimach for comedy. They call me too for comedy because I think I have the comic side of me. So, I have people everywhere.

Would you tell me about your family and educational background?
I am from the family of Engineer and Mrs. Ebeye. I have four other siblings. Actually, we are five in my family: four girls and one boy. I studied International Studies and Diplomacy at Benson Idahosa University, Benin and I grew up in Benin.

What brought you to Lagos?
As I told you told you earlier, I was into modelling; so, it was modelling that brought me to Lagos because I had a lot of jobs to do then. I did a lot of jobs, like photos and billboards for UBA and Unity Bank. In the process, I just got stuck when I started acting.

Have you ever had any embarrassing moment with your fans?
I can't say it's really very embarrassing, but you know when you walk sometimes, people will say 'Oh, you mouthing us; you are like that', and I will say, 'I'm just playing my role and that's nothing.' I don't really have anything embarrassing because people make me feel good anyway. I've had people who had very terrible encounters with fans, but my encounters with fans have been very pleasant for me. They've always been very warm towards me.

What is your biggest achievement so far?
My biggest achievement so far, to me, is to be able to communicate and reach people. I think my biggest achievement is being able to let people understand what you are doing and people appreciating what you are doing. It's not just being on the screen and being able to deliver, but it's about people feeling what you are doing. When I walk on the road or I drive in my car, I just see people shouting and appreciating what I'm doing. What more can I wish for? I feel blessed.

Could you share with me some of your memorable days?
The day I will never forget was the day I started acting; the day I got my first role. That was when I was given a role in 'Weeping Tiger'. The series was small, but I was happy I was given a chance to show what I had always wanted to show the world and that was my happiest day in this career.

How did you get the role?
It was an audition, and I didn't know. My friend just called me that there was an audition somewhere that we should go and the day was already far spent. When we got there, the audition was already over. The director saw me and then invited me. I walked towards him and he asked me to read! After I read the line, he said, " You have a part". It was unbelievable because the place was packed with people. It was fantastic and I just couldn't believe it.

What should your fans be expecting from you soon?
They should be expecting a new me and in a different light. I want to be very choosy about what I do. I want to be able to pass across a lot of messages to people. I don't just want to be that person that is just 'oh, she's just a bad actress'. I want to be the kind of person that people can watch and learn from.

I want to be able to do different things that people can even say, "So, you can do this'. I don't want to be stereotyped, the kind of actress that just sits down and just delivers lines; not really touching people's lives. I should be able to jump the fence. I really want a lot of challenging roles and that is what I'm going to be doing, so my fans should expect something a bit different from the usual Amanda Ebeye; they should expect a whole lot because I think I'm in action path now. I'm ready to explode.

Do you find your work fulfilling?
Nothing can be so totally fulfilling because even if you indulge in the job, there is one or two things you are not really getting that you want. But so far, out of 10, I will give it seven in terms of fulfilment.

Have you ever had any sexual harassment in this job?
That question again (pause for a while). Why do journalists always ask artistes that question? What else do you people want us to say? It's everywhere; in marketing, it's there and even in this journalism, I'm sure it's there.

What is your style? Are you a fashion freak?
I am not a fashion freak; I'm just a regular person that just feels like looking good. I don't go with trend, I don't go with fashion. I just go with me.

Are you a label freak?
I'm not a label freak; I just go with what is beautiful and what is authentic. It doesn't have to be a Christian Dior, but as long as it's just original and beautiful, and it suits me most importantly.

What  is  your  favourite colour?
I love blue.

As an African woman, we should be expecting wedding bells; so, when is it coming?
Soon, you will know when it's coming.

What will you like to change about yourself?
Nothing, I'm perfect the way I am.

You've featured in so many soap operas and movies so far. Can you name them?
In soap operas, I featured in Weeping Tiger, Super Story, Soul Sisters. For movies, there is Dangerous Angels, My Last Wedding and Tomorrow Must Wait. There are so many of them that I can't remember.

Which one of the movies brought you to limelight?
I think people really appreciated me when I was in 'Clinic Matters'. Funny enough, people have always appreciated my works somehow. Even when I felt I wasn't even doing well, people still found it okay.

What qualities are you looking for in your future partner?
I want a God-fearing man because we must train our children; a man that can understand me; a man that loves me, a man that cherishes me and appreciates me, basically. He must be good-looking because I can't marry an ugly man and a short man because I'm short (laughs). But most importantly, he must have good character.

What is your phobia?
I don't have a phobia. I can cross anything and I'm not scared.

What disappoints you most in men?
Men are just men, even when they are so irritating with their life, they are just men. What can we do? That's their make. So, I don't think they can get me disappointed anyway because I'm used to them.

How have you been able to cope with male admirers?
Well, I cope. Even when you're not in the industry, you get a lot of male admirers because it's normal being a female. So, when you are in the industry, it gets worse. But God has naturally given us the ability to cope with it; we were born to cope with it, so we are coping.

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