11 October, 2012

Nigerian gay to be deported

The lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) community have expressed fear that Olalekan Ayelokun, a Nigeria national, may be killed once he is deported to the country of his birth on Wednesday.
British authorities confirmed that Ayelokun, who is gay, will be deported to Nigeria after a judge ruled against his application for asylum on grounds that he did not believe the man was gay.
The ruling came down despite friends and lovers’ testimony asserting that the Nigerian was openly gay. However, in the absence of specific guidelines on how to handle such claims, the judge had the discretion to reject that claim.
But LGBT activists said that they fear he could be killed upon returning.
“We are very afraid for his well-being and urge the UK government to rethink their decision, which could threaten his life and that would be against European Union regulations,” one LGBT said on Tuesday.
It would be recalled that David Cameron said, in 2010, condemned the deportation of gay people back to countries where police would imprison, torture, or kill them saying; “If you have a legitimate fear of persecution, that it seems to me that is a perfectly legitimate reason to stay.”
But it appears that efforts to get the deportation stayed are not to be successful.

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