20 October, 2012

UNIPORT 4: Colleague of victim’s father at Radio Rivers arrested

A Radio Rivers driver, Lucky Agborum, has been nabbed as one of those who lynched the UNIPORT 4. In a strange twist, Toku Mike, father of Llyod Mike, one of the unfortunate four, works at Radio Rivers and his son was well known to Agborum.
The mystery surrounding the gruesome murder of four University of Port Harcourt students, now known as the UNIPORT 4, continues to deepen with the arrest of Lucky Agborum, a driver with Radio Rivers. Mr. Toku Mike, father of Lloyd, one of the victims, also works with Radio Rivers.
The arrest was made yesterday at the premises of Radio Rivers around 4.00 pm. A reliable source who witnessed the arrest but declined to be named said the suspect did not resist arrest or deny that he was involved in the beating and killing of the four victims.
A Radio Rivers source who confirmed the arrest to National Mirror yesterday said the driver was often assigned to pick up the victim’s father, Mr. Toku Mike, from his house to the Radio Rivers office.
Mike’s son, the late Lloyd, also visited his father in the office often, so the arrested driver, Lucky Agborum, must definitely have known that Lloyd was his senior colleague’s son. A source close to the Mike family also confirmed the arrest. According to the source when Agborum got to the office on the unfortunate Monday the boys were lynched, people made enquiries from him about the stories circulating about the killings in Aluu because he resides at Aluu. Agborum had reported then that the victims were six and that the mob only succeeded in killing four.
He had made no mention of Mike’s son. In a surprising twist, however, he stopped coming to work after he paid a condolence visit to the Mike family. It now appears that having seen the suspects arrested in connection to the incident arraigned on Wednesday, he thought the coast was clear for him, so he showed up for work on Thursday. That same day, men of the State Security Service (SSS) picked him up.
All efforts to get the Rivers State Police Command spokesman, DSP Ben Ugwuegbulam, to comment on this latest arrest proved abortive. The question being asked is: Did Agborum recognise one of the victims as his senior colleague’s son or did he unknowingly throw the proverbial stone in the market place only for it to land on the forehead of his kinsman?
Source: National Mirror

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