11 November, 2012

Church Bans Members From Giving Birth, Says World Population In Danger

Pastor says, “Maybe if people stopped having so many babies, we could build a compassionate, sustainable future” 
“Emergency Contraception is only a phone call away... Why wait until the damn thing gets bigger when you can snuff it now? You've got 72 hours!”
“The planet is a living being, and quite capable of self-defense. If the two-leggeds cannot control their numbers, she will do it for them, and her measures will be harsh”
They are weird and they make no pretences about that.
And in a world where the freedom to hold a personal opinion however nauseating is guaranteed as a right, the best you can do is to verbally condemn members of the  Church of Euthanasia, a group of human beings who teach that the best wisdom to solving the human challenge is to make sure no one procreates again.
Bible-wielding believers will no doubt point to the divine commandment to give birth and the fact that the Holy Scriptures says children are the heritage of the righteous, but for members of the CoE, as their acronym stands, all that is hogwash.  With a daily addition of some one million births per day, members of this ‘church’ argues something drastic and ‘pragmatic’ needs to be done to checkmate the ‘future tragedy’ this population explosion will pose to the world.
And even weirder is their doctrine of suicide as the ultimate and best way out for solving the problem of the world. Incidentally though, no member is ready to follow this counsel as they argue that they are already fit and sure of doing it, if need be, but are not sure if others will follow their counsel. So it is better for them to wait for those who will obey their teaching before they will take up the matter themselves.

“Reverend” Chris Korda founded the CoE, in 1992, with “Pastor” Kim and they are still leading the ‘church’ with hundreds of active members and online followers scattered across the globe. One of the “Saints’ of the church, Kevorkian AKA Dr. Jack Kevorkian, died last year.
Kevorkian had been sentenced for 25 years in prison but spent eight years before he bagged parole. As a condition of his parole in 2007, he promised not to assist in any more suicides. Although he had appealed to leave prison early because of poor health, he pointed out he did not consider himself a candidate for assisted suicide.

The following is an excerpt on the church: The Church of Euthanasia is a non-profit educational foundation devoted to restoring balance between Humans and the remaining species on Earth. We believe this can only be accomplished by a massive voluntary population reduction, which will require a leap in Human consciousness to a new species awareness.
“The Human population is increasing by one million every four days. This is a net increase of 95 million per year, the current population of Mexico. Even major wars or epidemics hardly dent this rate of growth, and modern wars also have tremendous environmental consequences. It is for these practical reasons, as well as moral ones, that we support only voluntary forms of population reduction.

The Church has only one commandment, and it is "Thou Shalt Not Procreate." In addition, we have four "pillars" or principles, which are Suicide, Abortion, Cannibalism and Sodomy.  Note that cannibalism is only required for those who insist on eating flesh, and is strictly limited to consumption of the already dead. Also note that sodomy is defined as any sexual act not intended for procreation: fellatio, cunnilingus, and anal sex are all forms of sodomy and are still illegal in some parts of the United States.
How do I become a member?
If you choose to not procreate, you're a member already, but why not make it official? Membership includes a life-time subscription to the printed version of Snuff It, a 28-page e-sermon booklet, and a lovely embossed certificate suitable for framing, all for only $10.
We take our one commandment very seriously. Membership implies a lifetime vow to not procreate. Procreation means guaranteed excommunication. There are no exceptions; abortion will be required, period. Of course, such difficulties can be avoided by faithful adherence to the fourth pillar (sodomy).
Do I have to kill myself?
Of course you don't have to kill yourself! If you really want to, though, wait until after you've joined the Church. That way, you automatically become a saint, without any additional paperwork. Don't forget to leave a note thanking and/or blaming the Church, and feel free to will us your estate, if you have one.
I've already procreated. Can I still join?
Absolutely! So long as you don't have any more. We have a number of members with children, and we even have a member whose son joined too. What's done is done. What matters is your commitment now.
How can I help?
The most important way you can help is by not procreating. If you feel comfortable taking the lifetime vow, then you should consider officially joining the Church. It would also very helpful if you could manage to abstain from eating non-human flesh. .. Finally, you can help by spreading the word. Talk to people. Proselytize shamelessly. Write a letter to the editor of your local paper. Get on the radio or TV. Be a nuisance. Cause trouble. Piss people off, especially your breeding friends. Carpe diem.
Why haven't you killed yourself yet?
I'll kill myself when I feel like it. Suicide is OPTIONAL, remember? Maybe if people stopped having so many babies, we could build a compassionate, sustainable future, and I wouldn't want to kill myself anymore. Just kidding!
Reverend Chris Korda founded the CoE, in 1992, with Pastor Kim, and continues to lead it, spreading the gospel of non-procreation and anti-humanism throughout the world. The Reverend also creates electronic music, and writes music software.
Pastor Kim co-founded the CoE, contributes tirelessly to the planning and execution of CoE actions, and electrified six million viewers with a crucified rubber chicken on the Jerry Springer show. A true renaissance man, he excels at mathematics and painting.
Cardinal Paley is a gifted cartoonist and animator, creator of anti-human films including The Stork, and a member of VHEMT. She joined the CoE in 1996, and was elevated in 1997, after her single-handed defense of cannibalism on the Jerry Springer show.
Cardinal Spaink is a writer and newspaper columnist. She joined the CoE in 1997, and was elevated after she promoted the CoE in the Dutch national media, including a televison news appearance during which she made a christian politician sweat visibly.
Vermin Supreme is a media activist, bad-tempered clown, dental hygiene advocate, perennial presidential hopeful, and all-around celebrity. He joined the CoE in 1997, and has been known to squirt christians in the face with a penis-shaped water pistol.
Saints of Euthanasia:
Saint Kevorkian AKA Dr. Jack Kevorkian is the world's best-known advocate of euthanasia, and has personally assisted more than 100 suicides. In 1998, CBS's "60 Minutes" aired a videotape showing him giving a lethal injection to Thomas Youk, who suffered from Lou Gehrig's disease. Kevorkian is currently serving 10-25 years in prison.

Saint Sanger AKA Margaret Sanger, 1879-1966, founder of the American birth control movement and Planned Parenthood. Her views on genetic fitness, fashionable among liberals of her time, would be considered insensitive by today's standards, but she was not a racist; her enemies have used falsified statements to discredit her.

Some sermon extracts money cannot be eaten
Greetings, and welcome to the Church of Euthanasia. Hopefully almost all of you have received issue number one of our journal by now. I am sure that many questions still remain, and I'll try to address the most popular ones, which are how, and why.
How did we find you? A detailed explanation would not be appropriate here, but suffice it to say that all of you have posted to one or more of the same newsgroups over the last month or so. These newsgroups were carefully chosen for their degree of intersection with the core principles of the church. We knew that many would react negatively to our methods, but felt this was outweighed by the need to make a widespread, immediate impact.

Why did we do this? As many of you are no doubt aware, the population summit concluded this week in Cairo. If you have been following it in the papers, you will know that almost nothing of any substance was accomplished. Most of the conference was devoted to an acrimonious battle with the new Vatican-Muslim alliance over whether the various charters that were signed could contain the words "abortion" and "contraception."
Meanwhile, entire nations are starving to death, while Americans watch it on television. Almost every day for the last month there has been at least one article in the Boston Globe about overpopulation. Many of them have stated clearly that the population is expected to double in twenty years. This news might as well be on the sports page; the spectacle continues without interruption.

The turbines still spin, the oil is still sucked out of the earth, the cars and trucks still poison the air. The consumers still stand in line in supermarkets to buy food wrapped in plastic. The ideals displayed on American television still dominate the daily lives of billions of human beings. What will man do when even the bottled water is poisonous? What will he do when the air makes him sick, and the sun is so strong he can't go outside anymore?

The planet is a living being, and quite capable of self-defense. If the two-leggeds cannot control their numbers, she will do it for them, and her measures will be harsh. Read the Hopi prophecies. Many of them have already come true. Now is the time of "koyaanisqatsi," or "life out of balance."
The Internet is the backbone of the so-called "cyberculture," an impossible vision of the future in which men "rule" the Earth through machines. It is for this reason most of all that we felt it so important to target the Internet. Messages were delivered to the Whitehouse, to heads of corporations, to high-ranking members of the military, to scientists, professors, and just regular folks. Needless to say, many of the recipients are upset. This is a regrettable, but necessary consequence of any Dada action.
Dada turns people upside down, by temporarily destroying one or more of their everyday assumptions. The suspension of "normal" assumptions allows messages that would ordinarily be screened out to penetrate, even if only for a short time. The method is unpleasant, but highly effective when dealing with strong indoctrination such as that provided by television programming, or university education, for example. Internet users are by and large highly educated members of the elite, and therefore very likely to be indoctrinated.
The Internet is far more than a communication system, a web of wires and computers: the Internet is a set of assumptions, based on the specific world-view of its creators. Who are these creators, and what is their world-view? The Internet depends directly on the institutions of the consumer culture, including the federal government, the military, and the universities and corporations that cooperate with them. Let us not forget that the Internet has its roots in ARPAnet (the Department of "Defense") and NSFnet (the National "Science" Foundation). The Defenders of Science. Why are they defending science? Who are they defending it from?
They are defending it from us, my friends, from the Church of Euthanasia and many other groups like us who oppose their senseless war with our Mother the Earth. Their schools teach that what cannot be measured, does not exist. This is Empiricism, the foundation of the Spectacle, the principle that Socrates died for. Their leaders say that everyone is entitled to as much as they want, of whatever they want, if they have the money to buy it.

This is the American Way, of life and liberty and the pursuit of happiness for the violent and ruthless. Their elites are determined to fight to the bitter end for their world-view. Their God is Moloch, who eats his children, leaving only filth, solitude, and ugliness. In the words of the Cree People:
Only after the last tree has been cut down/  Only after the last river has been poisoned/  Only after the last fish has been caught/ Only then will you realize that money cannot be eaten.

Let us pray.
Spirits of the four directions, East, South, West, and North, Powers of the Elements, Air, Fire, Water, and Earth,
 Wheel of the seasons, Spring, Summer, Fall, and Winter, Be here now, as we invoke this sacred space,  And for a moment in time, free ourselves from all limitations,  From all delusions of separateness.

 Be here now, and help us, to draw our spirits down From the lonely flights of the ego, into our bodies,  And let us be filled with the joy of your limitless light,  Beyond the bounds of time,  Where night and day,  Birth and death,  Joy and sorrow,  Meet as one.

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