16 November, 2012

The Devastating Effects Of Divorce On Children

Most children from divorced couples usually become school dropouts, drug addicts, cultists, prostitutes, armed bandits, charlatans and hooligans due to lack of proper home training. As more couples head to the court room to divorce each other, most of them never bother to think of their children and how it will affect them. They assume that things will work out, but  reports have shown that things only get worse for the children after their parents separate.
According to Webster’s dictionary, Divorce is “The legal dissolution of marriage or the termination of an existing relationship or union”

Tina Ali, a victim from divorce home shared her experiences, “My parents separated when I was just 9 years old. I still can’t remember what happened, but I will never forget the way daddy threw her things outside and locked the door. Neighbours came, knocking and begging, but he refused to open the door that night, and my brother and I got into a huddle, crying. Mum left that night and the next morning, her family came to talk to daddy, but he insulted and drove them away.
We didn’t get to see our mother again until after a long time. Our daddy used to prepare us for school in the morning, and begged neighbours to help him look after us when we returned. After a while, he brought in another woman and introduced her as our mother. At first, she showed us love and affection, but immediately she gave birth, things changed for the worst. She turned us into domestic helps in our father’s house.
Our home became a living hell and that was when we started looking for our biological mother. Our step mum made us to do all the household chores and still gave us little food. We stopped having breakfast and sometimes lunch is a big problem. When we complained to daddy, he would talk to her and the next day, things would be worse. My brother started coming home late; he joined the bad boys in school and started smoking and drinking.
At a point, he dropped out. I also started having boyfriends who used to give me money because I lacked many things. There were times I couldn’t afford common pad for my menstrual cycle and whenever I asked my daddy for money, he would give it to my step mother who usually refused to give it to me. Things became so bad that I left my daddy to join my mum who had also married somebody else.
My mother  welcomed me and treated me as her daughter. I gradually settled down, went to school and achieved something reasonable. My brother’s case was different because he stayed with daddy and his wicked wife; he became a school dropout and drug addict. I vowed that no matter what happens in my marriage, I will never divorce my husband except if we don’t have kids.”
Mary Adeboyega, a psychologist, who spoke to Leadership on the negative effects of divorce on children, said: “It is true that most couples believe that divorce will solve all their problems, but research has proved that it leaves devastating effects on all the children and extended family members involved.
Divorce, in any circumstance, rips a child apart from loved ones. It limits the time spent with one’s parents, and also leads to confusion. It is always better for families especially children if couples settle their differences amicably rather than get a messy divorce. Divorce is much more than a legal dissolution because it has adverse effects on the children. Most of them have no voice in the matter and do not know  where to go.
Divorce makes many children unruly, dropouts and drunkards. Sometimes, this situation makes the child thinks that the parent with whom he or she is living with is usually strict because that parent is always available with tough discipline unlike the non residential parent who is regarded as loving, kind and understanding because of the type of affection they show the kids in order to compensate them for not being  always available.
Research has also shown that, Joint custody also opens doors for constant movement for the children but divorce tends to confuse them for parents to stay together because it makes the children to believe that if they can’t work out their problems, they can go their separate ways.
Where there is constant verbal or physical attacks like beating and sexual abuse, divorce is a better option. Also, when a spouse is committing infidelity, divorce tends to make children think that they must have done something wrong or hurtful due to which their parents have taken such a decision.
Because of this, they go out of their ways to try and amend the situation hoping that doing so will change their parents’ minds.
These children also have feelings of anxiety and one of the common psychological effects on the children is when they take on the responsibilities of the home by trying to comfort the rejected parent as well as their siblings

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