16 February, 2013


A Chinese, Zhang Bafan, who is in Nigeria on a business trip, has raised the alarm over what he described as an attempt by some Nigerians to take away his goods without payment and instigate his repatriation back to China.
Narrating his ordeal, the visiting Chinese claimed that two Nigerians, simply identified as Rowland and Ifeanyi, drugged him in his hotel room, carted away his money put at above N1 million and went to his warehouse at Agric Estate, Badagry expressway in Lagos, where they carted away his goods.
Zhang told Saturday Sun, in company of his sister, Mrs. Wen Yan, that he came to Nigeria as a genuine businessman and was introduced to the duo as potential buyers of the goods he brought in. he said that instead of paying him for the goods, the Nigerians hatched the plan to drug and loot his hotel room and warehouse.
On what transpired between him and the Nigerians, Bafan said, amid tears, that his business partner, who is based in Ghana, advised him to come to Nigeria for business, with a promise that he would get a better deal than in Ghana.
According to him, “for years, I have been supplying phone accessories in Ghana. Last year, my business partner advised me to come to Nigeria. He said that I would get a better market. He referred me to Rowland, as the agent that would help me get a good market in Nigeria. Rowland was supposed to stand as a representative for my partner in Ghana.
“He helped me to settle down when I arrived in Nigeria and also introduced me to buyers. I told him that I would return to China on January 25. As a routine, Rowland and Ifeanyi usually buy food for me and I never had any reason to suspect them till when I woke up in the hospital one day. I can vividly recall that Rowland came to my hotel room in the morning with a plate of Indomie and water. We were actually going through our successful business transaction and future transaction, while I enjoyed the meal. I can’t explain what happened thereafter until I found myself in hospital.”
On what could have made Rowland hatch such an evil plan, Zhang said: “He was the representative of my contact person in Ghana. I had finished my business and had handed over the left over goods to someone who would help me sell them here in Nigeria and was due to return to China on the 25th of January.  If he had any issue with me, he should have referred to his boss in Ghana.”
Collaborate his story, his sister, Wen, revealed that it was her timely arrival at the hotel that saved the life of Zhang. According to her, Zhang came to Nigeria three months back to sell some goods and ended up almost dead.
She said: “On  January 23, 2013, he called to inform me that he would travel  to China on the 25th of January. He told me to see him at the warehouse the next day. On that day being, 24th   I called him on phone and it rang through without any response. I decided to go to his warehouse, since it was a stone throw from my shop.
“When I got there, I saw two Nigerians who I knew as Rowland and Ifeanyi moving goods from my brother’s warehouse. Since I knew them as partners, I did not bother to ask them what they were doing. I casually asked them where Zhang was and they told me that he was sick and currently sleeping in his hotel room. I asked them why he was not taken to the hospital and they told me not to worry.
“I told them that I would go to the hotel and see him, since he asked me to see him. They did not object, but insisted that I should return by 2pm. At that point, I became suspicious. I went back to my shop and begged the guard to accompany me to the hotel. At the hotel, the cleaner directed me to Zhang’s room. When I got there, I saw him lying unconscious on the bed with three persons in the room, including a woman.
“They told me that he was sick and was recovering gradually. I insisted that they should allow me take him to the hospital but they insisted that I should call Rowland, who later came to the hotel room. He insisted that Zhang would not be taken to the hospital. I started shouting and accused them of wanting to kill my brother. He threatened that he was going to report me to immigration. I told him to go ahead, as I will also report him to the police for abduction. It was at that point that he suggested that I should go and invite a doctor.”
When  she rushed to nearby hospital and a doctor agreed to follow him. After examining Zhang, the doctor advised that he should be taken to the hospital.
Wen said: “He said that my brother might die if they did not rush him to the hospital. It was then that the lady begged them to save the hotel the scandal by taking him to the hospital. The hotel volunteered their car and he was taken to the hospital. Hours later, he regained consciousness.”
Discharged from the hospital, Zhang went back to his hotel room and got the shock of his life. He discovered that his bag had been ransacked and N1million was stolen. He also discovered that the 400 dollars that he kept inside a book was missing.
The Chinese said he raised the alarm and drew the attention of the hotel management to his loss.
With his hospital experience and the loss, Zhang and his sister reported the matter to the police at Area E, FESTAC Town, Lagos.
The Chinese said: “We went to the police and reported the matter and the police arrested Rowland and Ifeany, but to my greatest surprise, the next day they were released. Owing to my hospital experience, they asked us to go for a lab test at the General Hospital, Badagry. I did and the doctor told us that they found traces of drugs in my system. The police officer was there, so he can confirm our claim.
“ We were advised to try and get audience with the Area Commander, in charge of “E” Command, FESTAC, Lagos, Assistant Commissioner of Police (ACP), Dan Okoro, who I was told is an upright man and hates injustice. We have tried severally to see him and tell him our story but the officers we meet at his office has refused to make it possible.
“I was told that he has been doing exploits in cracking cases in his area command. I believe that he would help me recover my stolen goods and money and most especially ensure that those who tried to kill me face the wrath of the law. We are begging that they should allow us to see him and tell him our story.”
Zhang said he came to Nigerian legally although his visa would expire in next month.  “I am in Nigeria on a legitimate business and had planned to return to China on the January 25, before this incident occurred. They said the matter would be delayed until my visa expires and I would be thrown out of Nigeria. They have also boasted that as soon as I leave the country no one will fight my war for me. It appears their threat has come to pass. All the goods that was looted from my shop are being sold in the market at the moment by Ifeanyi.”
When contacted, Deputy Police Public Relations Officer of the state, Assistant Superintendent of Police, ASP, Damascus Ozoani, told Saturday Sun that investigation was ongoing and that the police would ensure that anyone found culpable of tampering with the peace and security of any person resident in Nigeria would be brought to book.
Source: Sun

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