02 April, 2013


Twenty-five soldiers of the 302 Artillery Regiment of the Nigerian Army, Onitsha, on Monday said ‘I do’ to their heartthrobs in a special marriage ceremony at the cantonment as part of activities marking the Easter celebration.
The 25 soldiers and their brides filed up at the St Peter’s Military Church, Anglican Communion, as early as 10 am to take their nuptial vows with the Commander, Col T. A.  Gagariga, advising them to live up to their responsibilities to their spouses.
Vicar and officiating Minister, Capt. (Rev) B.G. Newton, in his advice to the newly wedded couples, called on them to always put God first in whatever they do in order to attract God’s blessings to their marriage.
Newton reminded the 25 couples of their responsibilities to society, adding that since family is the first society, the need to train their children in the fear of God and in accordance to the rules and norms governing society is apt.

He further challenged the soldiers and their spouses to take their spiritual lives very seriously as well train their children to obey the laws of the land in order to raise good leaders of tomorrow instead of allowing them to stray from the will of God.
Gagariga called on the newly wedded couples to adopt the strategy of following the foot prints of Jesus Christ by living up to their calling as husbands and wives whose responsibility it is to raise better society.
He further disclosed that the occasion was unique in the sense that it was the first time in history of the cantonment that soldiers came together to legalise their marriage before God and prayed God to grant them their good heart desires.
He thanked Governor Peter Obi for his supports to the military base, adding that the synergy between the state government and the army has brought about positive change in the area of the fight on crime in the state and granted the newly wedded couple ample time for their honeymoon.
One of the couples, Sergeant and Mrs. Chindo Larai, who spoke, thanked God for giving them the opportunity to be united in love through wedding and promised to use the new status given to them to make a better society.
Source: Daily Independent

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