18 September, 2013


Senate President, David Mark, said yesterday, that political jobbers and war-mongers have seized the Nigerian political space ahead of the 2015 general elections which is still two years away. The Senate President made the observation while welcoming Senators at Tuesday’s plenary after a seven-week recess.
Mark noted that the antics of those agitating for political office ahead of 2015 was to unduly overheat the polity, adding that beating the drums of war and making treasonable comments were well-worn antics that would not work.
“Distinguished colleagues, more than ever before, our countrymen and women are looking up to us for leadership, redemption and stability. The polity is assailed by political tremors, all on account of the 2015 elections. Here, in this chamber, we are first and foremost, Senators of the Federal Republic of Nigeria and though not impervious to the present centrifugal political pulls, we must put the interest of Nigeria above every other consideration.

“We must not only rise above narrow, parochial and partisan considerations, we must also very eloquently, by deeds and words, demonstrate the capacity and willingness to moderate national discourse and balance the polity. This we can only do by always standing with the people and on the side of truth and by painstakingly striving at all times to do what is legally and constitutionally right and morally justifiable.
“It is disheartening that even though the general elections of 2015 are two years away, political jobbers, sycophants and hustlers have prematurely seized the political space and are being allowed to set the tone of national discourse.
“This is an unnecessary and avoidable distraction by characters or hirelings, who are desperately in search of relevance. They are only out to feather their own nests and in the process unduly overheat the polity. They employ every weapon, including threats of war, and open saber rattling, to advance their partisan causes.
“I am, therefore, compelled to urge restraint and to call on all putative contestants to various political positions in 2015 to advise themselves and call their various supporters to order.
My prayer is to see our democracy advance to a level where those who lose elections would stoically accept the verdict of the electorate, congratulate the winners and forge ahead.
Beating the wwdrums of war, chanting war songs and blackmailing the nation with fire and brimstone are outdated and unacceptable tools of political brinksmanship.
“Political jobbers and war-mongers do not serve anybody’s interests, but theirs.
They exploit our collective fears and fan the embers of hatred, acrimony and division. But like I have said in the past, Nigeria is greater than any of its parts and it is in our collective interest to promote her unity based on the ideals of love, peace, patriotism, faith, compromise and sacrifice.
And Nigeria is certainly greater than any position any politician will ever occupy.”
In order to contain their antics, Mark has urged security agencies in the country to fish out and prosecute anyone found making treasonable comments.
“I, therefore, strongly advise the security agencies to take any threat bordering on treason very seriously and to thoroughly investigate such and take appropriate measures irrespective of who the culprits are.
“The greatest legacy we can bequeath to posterity is to collectively build a Nigeria that is more functional, more united, more dynamic, more peaceful and more democratic. Our objective should be to build a nation whose unity is an article of faith based on equity, fairness, justice and equal opportunity; a nation where injustice to one is injustice to all. I know it is a herculean task, but it is one that can be attained by steely resolve.
“As Senators of the Federal Republic and as stabilizers of the polity, we must sound it loud and clear to all our elected and appointed officials and indeed to every politician, that to divert attention from the core task of governance to desperate political permutations, is a great disservice to our nation,” Mark told his colleagues.

Source: Sun

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