05 April, 2014


It is now obvious that the Super Eagles Chief Coach, Stephen Okechukwu Keshi has emerged the winner of his battle of supremacy with the Nigeria Football Federation (NFF) leadership as they have declared that the coach has outgrown their authority.
A very top management staff of the NFF who did not want his name on print told 2muchsports.com that they have lost their authority on the Coach he said they gave job to.
He said Keshi no longer heed to their instructions and does whatsoever he wants with impunity.
The NFF top management staff attributed Keshi’s insubordination to the backing he is receiving from the Presidency, stating that as a result, Keshi no longer has regard for their president, Aminu Maigari who personally made it possible for him to be employed in the first place.
“It is so pathetic that Stephen Keshi has to treat us the way he has been treating us. We fought for him to be given the job and we have supported him which is why he has achieved the much he has achieved since he took charge,” the NFF official said.
“We are very much aware of the call from Nigerians that some of our players who are doing well in their clubs in Europe be included in the provisional list. 

But there is very little we can do because he will not listen to us and it is really unfortunate. Every coach all over the world work with their FA to decide the player that would be invited for a crucial tournament like the world cup,”
“The problem is that Nigerians have so supported him against us and he is enjoying the support of those at the higher authority. This is why he is undermining us and flaunts our order with impunity,”
The Super Eagles gaffer and the NFF officials have been locked in a battle over the number of players to be included in the provisional world cu list.
Keshi had refused to appear before the NFF technical committee when he was invited to defend his list and he had said recently that he will only make his list public whenever he is ready.
Perhaps, the reason Keshi does not have much regard for the NFF leadership is the fact that they have not lived up to their responsibility of paying his monthly salary as at when due. Keshi is currently been owed several months salary.

Source: People’s Daily

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