06 May, 2014


• How deputy director impersonated missing girl’s mother 
• Expose on role of GGSS principal, WAEC, BOSG in abduction saga
Facts have emerged regarding the circumstances surroun
ding the arrest of the leader of the Bring Back our Girls’ protest whose name is Naomi.
She had last week led about 500 women on a protest to the National Assembly over the reported abduction of over 200 secondary school girls in Chibok, Borno State.
In a meeting of stakeholders that lasted for over 8 hours from Sunday night till the wee hours of Monday, First Lady, Dame Patience Jonathan had actually asked the Commissioner of Police to take the woman to the Inspector General of Police and the President based on the fact that she was found to have impersonated one of the Chibok women, whose child is said to be missing.

Impersonator Naomi
While all the women at the meeting wrote down their real names at the entrance to the building, Naomi who is a Deputy Director at the National Directorate of Employment, NDE, in Abuja, wrote down her name as Grace, which is one of the names of those expected to attend the meeting from Borno State.
The First Lady also disclosed that Naomi had claimed that she was one of the parents, whose child was abducted at the Government Girls Secondary School, Chibok.
“When they said they came to lay complain to the government and the National Assembly, I asked for the leader of the mothers, whose children were abducted. This woman was the one that came forward and said that her child was abducted. I believed her and I asked the Women Affairs Minister to follow her to the National Assembly.
“This is the woman who went to National Assembly with the women in black and she claimed that her child was missing and that she is the leader of the missing girls’ parents in Chibok. The Senate President and I believed.”
Continuing, the First Lady said: “God is leading us to the truth. Our coming out
is not in vain. She called people like Oby to follow her as they also believed her. Oby is innocent and I don’t blame her because even me as First Lady, I was moved.
“Today, when I sighted her, I said within myself that we will get to the conclusion today because one of the missing children is here. But to my greatest surprise, when we asked her, she said she is a representative. She wrote down her name as Grace. A whole civil servant impersonating, she should be arrested for impersonation.”
Facing the Borno Commissioner of Police who was also at the meeting, the First Lady said: “You have to take this woman to I.G. and the President.”
After she was quizzed, Naomi admitted that she had no child among the abducted children but was contacted to represent one of the persons expected to attend the meeting at the First Lady’s conference room.
Naomi said: “It was in the morning that somebody called me from Borno State, one Mrs. Grace. She said that she was supposed to come but that since we are here as Chibok representatives, we should represent her instead.”
Asked whether she has been to Chibok in the last one year, she said: “I have not gone to Chibok in the past one year.”

Minister shocked
At that point the Minister of Women Affairs, Zainab Maina, disclosed that the woman had last week admitted that she was one of the mothers of the abducted girls in Chibok.
She said: “I saw this lady and two others on Tuesday. My deputy director came into my office and said, ‘You are talking about going to Chibok, mothers of those abducted girls from Chibok are here and they are in Eagles Square’.
“When I asked them if they are mothers from Chibok, they said yes. I asked them of their destination, and they said the National Assembly and Villa.
“I said no, you cannot come to Villa, may be National Assembly. I followed them to the National Assembly to listen to what they wanted to tell the legislators. I sat to the end until they finished and I then asked them for the leader of the delegation. She came forward and I asked her where are the girls from Chibok, how many of them and if she could give me the names of the girls and she said that they were not from Chibok and that they are based in Abuja.
“I shouted, oh my God, you have killed me! If I know you are from Abuja, I won’t waste my time to come here and talk to you. Later on somebody made enquiries and my Permanent Secretary took her phone number and name and she is a deputy director in NDE. I was really angry with them and walked out from the place,” she added.
On her appearance at the First Lady Conference room, the Minister said: “What surprised me again is the gut she has to come here just by mere phone call from somebody in Borno State to represent her. This is not a market place, this meeting is a very official meeting aimed at resolving this problem of abduction. It is not for everybody to come, I don’t know who gave you the invitation.”

First Lady’s doubts
Speaking further on the issue, the First Lady said: “So my sisters you can all see that within them they know what they are doing. With what is happening now, will you believe that any child(ren) got missing?”
After they all responded by shouting ‘no’, she said: “So, we the Nigerian women are saying that no child is missing in Borno state. If any child is missing, let the governor go and look for them. There is nothing we can do anymore. We will now go spiritual. What we women should pray for now is for the killings in Borno to stop. God will reveal them one by one. The blood of the innocent victims will speak.”
Part of the resolutions of the meeting was that some selected Christians and Muslims in the country be chosen to gather on Thursday to pray against the activities of Boko Haram in Borno State.

60-year old writes WAEC exam?
From the documents submitted to her by WAEC officials during last Friday meeting, the First Lady yesterday argued that there was conspiracy from the onset in the registration of candidates for the 2014 WAEC exams that was holding in the Government Girls Secondary School, Chibok, during which the girls were allegedly abducted.
She disclosed that one Ciroma Adamu, who is 60 years old, was registered for the 2014 WAEC exams in the school.
Facing the WAEC official, the First Lady said: “Why did you register over 60 year old man for the WAEC exams? You have already put the people that will kidnap the girls in the hall. Is it true WAEC they came to write?
“If Ciroma Adamu is not over 60 years, bring him here before us. Some are 50 years plus and 40 years plus. Principal, you have already arranged your Boko Haram,” she added.

Naomi not arrested
Meanwhile, the office of the First Lady has issued a statement, denying the fact that the woman was arrested on the orders of the President’s wife.
“Our attention has been drawn to media reports that the First Lady, Dame Patience Jonathan ordered the arrest of a woman who attended the women stakeholders’ meeting discussing ways and best strategies to ensure the release of the abducted children of Chibok Girls Secondary School.
“We wish to state without any iota of equivocation that the First Lady did not order the arrest of any woman or any one for that matter before, during and after the meeting.
“The Naomi Murlah mentioned in one of the reports came to the meeting as part of Borno delegation. The women were alarmed when someone who knew her told the meeting that she was impersonating one of the mothers of the allegedly abducted children on the basis for which she attended the meeting,” the statement said.
The statement signed by Ayo Adewuyi also directed those who are looking for the woman to the security agencies, absolving the First Lady of any knowledge of her arrest.

Source: Nigerian Pilot

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