09 August, 2014


In the bustling neighbourhood where the congregation is located at Ebute Metta, Lagos, Ijo Orunmilaoccupies a storey building. For a first time visitor, when you enter the building, what comes to your mind is that you have come to worship in a church. The architectural design, and the setting within the building resemble that of a church.
Starting from the sitting arrangements where the pews are neatly arranged to the altar where the officiating priests are seated, it is a re-enactment of what you have in a church that stares you in the face.
There is also a pulpit inside from where Oluwo, who is the officiating priest, reads verses from Ifa to other members of the congregation.
On this Saturday when the reporter joined the congregation, it was a special day when Ijo Orunmila was having its special annual thanksgiving service, therefore, the day’s worship started around mid-day. Normal service I was told usually starts at 10 am.

Inside, members and invited guests were seated. The spiritual head of the congregation, Oluwo, flanked by other officials of the congregation, were seated around the altar, while members of the choir, who were in white attires, were at another section.
Shortly after, proceedings of the day commenced with an opening prayer by Chief Ademola Ifabunmi, the Aseda Ijo Orunmila. Ifabunmi, who is the Aseda Ijo Orunmila, third in command to the spiritual head of the congregation later welcome guests and members to the special service which he described as being unique in the history of the 75-year-old congregation.
While expressing appreciation to Orunmila (Supreme deity) for having been good to the faithful, he talked about plans being made to turn the building into a cathedral-like structure.
“We thank Olodumare, the Supreme being, and Orunmila, the Supreme deity for our journey in the last 75 years. The road has not been all that smooth. There were periods of turbulence and challenges, but we thank Orunmila for what he has been doing in our lives,” he declared.
Debunking the notion that Ijo Orunmila is a fetish group, Ifabunmi said members of the congregation, including the founding fathers, are those who believe in preserving the religious practices of Africans.
According to him: “There is no evil about the religious practices of our forefathers. We should not allow ourselves to be brainwashed. You only need to worship with us, and you become enlightened. We should all strive to be proudly African.”
His speech was followed by words of exhortation by another official of the congregation who later gave guests and members some portions from Ifa which he said they should recite and use to offer prayers between that Saturday and the next day of worship.
This verse taken from Ifa and given to members of the congregation is akin to what you call memory verse that is usually given to worshippers in a church. Next was rendition of songs by the Ijo Orunmilachoir led by their choirmaster.
As the choristers were reeling out the beautiful songs, both invited guests and members gyrated their bodies to the melodious tunes. It was a spectacular sight to behold.
Another interesting aspect of the service was during the thanksgiving service, members were called out according to the names of their families, and as they filed out singing and dancing carrying basins containing their monetary offerings. They were joined by well- wishers.
When it was time for sermon, it was the Spiritual Head/Oluwo, Chief Adeboye Oyesanya, that mounted the pulpit, quoting copiously from Ifa literature. He enjoined members, and invited guests to live holily.
According to him, both the leaders and the led in the society should strive to be good role models. “Nigeria is a great nation. We have the wherewithal to excel, but it is unfortunate that we are not yet there. With commitment and sincerity, we will excel as a nation,” he stated.
Oyesanya later offered prayers for individuals, and the nation at large.
Before the service was rounded off, people worshipping with the congregation for the first time were asked to stand up for recognition. They were later formally welcomed to Ijo Orunmila. They were encouraged to continue worshipping with the congregation.
The service was thereafter ended with closing hymn rendered by the choir and the congregation with the members of the choir filing out as it is done in some churches.

Source: Sun

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